[Kernel-meetup] [Kern Meetup Blr] Proposing AOSP BoF at Devconf.in

Amit Pundir pundiramit at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 08:10:50 PDT 2018

Here is the updated list:

* Tracking AOSP upstream development - Amit, Vishal, ..
* Android Common Kernels - Amit, ..
* Project Treble - Vishal, ..
* AOSP TV - Khasim, ..
* AOSP on containers - Khasim, ..
* Multimedia Stack
  - Graphics (drm/hwcomposer, vulkan) - Sumit, ..
  - Audio (alsa) - Vinod, ..
  - Camera (v4l) - ?
* EAS - Amit K, ..
* Custom ROM development - Harsh, Parth, Arnav, ..
  - Sub-topics (if any?)
* Android Automotive (car) - Allen, ..
* Development devices, Sensor hubs - Amit K, Vishal, ..
* QA/CI - Vishal, Arnav, ..
* Connectivity (WiFi/BT/NFC) - Gautam, ..
* USB Accessories - ?
* TEE (OP-TEE integration?) - ?
* VR -?
* Embedded AOSP - ?
* Binder - Prasanna, ..
* Input Flinger - Prasanna, ..

Not that I'm trying to push things out of this BoF but may I also
suggest that interested speakers, with a topic or two for
presentation, to also take this DevConf opportunity to submit them as
a separate sessions for broader audience.

Amit Pundir

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